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Hooks; Rings & Other Things: An Illustrated Index Of New England Iron 1660-1860 Frank T. Barnes

S&H $5.00

Iron artifacts; which chronicle day-to-day living in early New England; have been brought together for the first time in this remarkable book by author/collector Frank Barnes. Says John Hamilton; Curator of Americana at the Museum of our National Heritage in Lexington; Massachusetts; "In this pageant of New England ironware; we are stimulated to develop a rewarding awareness and appreciation of forgotten Yankee crafts and folklore. Admittedly; many questions remain unanswered; yet here in this unique collection; we have a workable point of reference for further study of Yankee wrought and cast iron. From cover to cover; this book is filled with captioned illustrations of New England Iron.

Hardware - Catalogs; Implements; utensils; Catalogs; Ironwork - Catalogs; Tools - Catalogs

Publisher Christopher Pub House. 1988. 237 pages